Help > The device stop menu

A killer feature feature of the program is its powerful menu aimed to manage your external devices. To call the menu just hover mouse over the system tray icon of the program, or left-click to the system tray icon or press a hotkey (Alt+Shift+S by default).

This menu allows you to:
  1. Stop a device - just left click the mouse on the selected device.
  2. Disable a device - right click to the device and choose "Disable a device". Read more on differences between stopping and disabling
  3. Stop all visible devices on the menu - just press this button: and the program will carefully stop all your devices that you see on the menu one by one (hidden from the menu devices will not be stopped with this button). If you have programs assigned to launch before stopping to a visible device they'll be also launched as with usual single device stopping. You also can use a hotkey for stopping all visible devices (read more).
  4. Eject memory card of a card reader - hover mouse over the required card and click the Eject button .
  5. Eject CD or DVD drive - the same way as card reader's card - just click the Eject button.
  6. Hide a device from the menu
  7. Change device properties: icon, name, drive letter etc
  8. Browse a device drive in Explorer - just hover the mouse over the drive item and click the Browse button
  9. Return stopped device back - if a device is stopped, but is not unplugged yet, it will be displayed in the menu, but its icon will be red-crossed. Just click on the device and it will be returned back into the system!
  10. Scan for hardware changes; if you have a SATA or eSATA drive which cannot be automatically detected by Windows on its connection you should use this feature to ask Windows to scan for newly connected devices. Just press this button: and Windows will detect your SATA drive and let you use it.
Device state pictograms
In some cases we can see additional "state" pictograms on the device or systray icon. Here's their description.
The device is stopped (prepared to safe removal). You can safely eject it or click it to return it back.
The device is disabled
The small "lock" sign before drive letter means the letter is fixed to the drive
The "lock" and "exclamation" sign means fixed drive letter violation. See Fixing a drive letter to several removable drives
The system tray icon of the program becomes gray when there are no devices on the menu (but there might be hidden devices).
Moving magnifier on the systray icon means program received system notification about device configuration change
The "x" sign shows on the system tray icon when there are stopped or disabled devices on the menu
Operate the menu using the keyboard
Almost all previously mentioned operations, particularly device stopping and browsing of its drives can be done without any touching the mouse - only using the keyboard!
  • To stop a device or to reactivate it call the menu with a hotkey (Alt+Shift+S by default), then choose a device with "Arrow Up\Down" keys and press "Enter".
    If you wish to only eject a memory card use "Arrow Right\Left" keys to choose a card.
  • To stop all devices at once press a specified hotkey (you should enable it in the Options -> Global Hotkeys -> Use "Stop All" Hotkey section) while you are staying in any application.
  • To browse a device drive press CTRL-B key combination, when the selection is on your required device
  • To open the program main window (and see hidden devices) press "Tab" key.
Read more in Hotkeys section.
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