Help > How to use skins?

Everyone knows that every man to his own taste. So the skin supporting is one of the most important things to make the program to look like you prefer. Zentimo supports skin changing for the stopping menu and some other frequently displayed windows.

The current article describes how to use skins and how to create your own unique skin.
How to use skins...
The program installation pack contains several predefined skins, such as "Classic", "Black Velvet" and "Black Contrast" color schemes. See on the screenshot below to know how to change a skin:
Just go to the "Skins" tab of the program options, choose your the you prefer and click OK.

Easy, isn't it? Don't like any of the predefined skins and wish to make your own one?
How to create your own skin...
First of all browse the folder of any predefined skin (e.g. "C:/Program Files/Zentimo/Skins/Black Velvet") to know what files the skin consists from, then do the following:
  1. Create a new folder with the name of a new skin (e.g. "C:/Program Files/Zentimo/Skins/My Own Skin").
  2. Create the text file "colorscheme.ini". This configuration file is used to define color and shape of the interface controls. Find the list of parameters and their description below.
  3. Create all images following specified names using your favorite graphic editor. The easiest way to not miss an image is to copy all images from an existing skin folder to your new skin folder. Then you can edit just copied images in a graphic editor. If an image file won't find by the program it will be gottn from the default skin (it's named Default in the list of skins in the Options and actually is build into the program body so you may not see its folder and files).
    You can also inherite your skin from other skins and create only those images that you wish to redraw in the base skin. See "Skin inheritance" below.
The scheme above is based on old Win7 skin theme, because old schemes have more design elements and thus require more color parameters. The newer skins are simplier, many their parameters are set to the background color or colors of adjacent elements.
Color scheme parameters:
  1. background - color of the window background.
  2. selecteditemtop - the top part of the device item gradient fill.
  3. selecteditembottom- the bottom part of the device item gradient fill.
  4. selectedsubitemtop - the top part of the drive item gradient fill.
  5. selectedsubitembottom - the bottom part of the drive item gradient fill.
  6. menuheadertext - the color of the header caption in the stopping menu and notification window.
  7. menuhighlight - the top part of the header gradient fill.
  8. menushady - the bottom part of the header gradient fill.
  9. menushadow - the color of the header underline.
  10. link - the reference link color in normal state.
  11. linkincontrol - the reference link color in mouse control state.
  12. itemtext - the color of the device name (the device item caption).
  13. buttontext - the color of the "Menu" button caption.
  14. subitemtext - the color of the drive name (a device sub-item caption)
  15. hotkeytext - the color of the hot key text.
  16. hiddendeviceframe - the color of the frame around the hidden device list.
  17. selecteditemframe - the color of the device item frame.
  18. selectedsubitemframe -the color of the device volume item frame.
  19. hiddendeviceshady - the bottom part of the hidden device list button gradient fill.
  20. readyforremoving - the "Ready for safe removal" text color.
  21. hiddendeviceincontrol - a bottom part of the hidden device list button gradient fill in mouse control state.
  22. hiddendevicehighlight- a top part of the hidden device list button gradient fill.
  23. scrollbarframe - the color of the scroll bar frame.
  24. scrollbarfill - the color of the scroll bar fill.
  25. scrollbarsliderframe -the color of the scroll bar slider frame.
  26. scrollbargrad1 - a right part of scroll bar slider gradient fill.
  27. scrollbargrad2 - a left part of scroll bar slider gradient fill.
  28. scrollbarbtnframe -the color of the scroll bar button frame.
  29. scrollbarhighlight - is not used yet
  30. buttonframe - the "Menu" button frame color.
  31. buttonhighlight - a top part of the "Menu" button gradient fill.
  32. buttonshady - a bottom part of the "Menu" button gradient fill.
  33. buttonshadyincontrol - a bottom part of the "Menu" button gradient fill in mouse control state.
  34. textshadow - the color of header caption shadow in the stopping menu and the notification window
  35. windowlefttopadge - a top and left hand outside line color of the frame around window.
  36. windowrightbottomadge - a bottom and right hand outside line color of the frame around window.
  37. windowlefttopinneradge - a top and left hand inside line color of the frame around window.
  38. windowrightbottominneradge- a bottom and right hand inside line color of the frame around window.
  39. windowfillframe - the color of the the frame around window fill.
  40. windowlefttopinneredge2 - the color of the line inside the frame around window at the top and left hand side.
  41. windowrightbottominneredge2 - the color of the line inside the frame around window at the bottom and right hand.
  42. windowhighlight - the color of a highlighted gradient fill of the frame around window.
  43. emptymenutext - the color of the text shown when there are no visible connected devices.
  44. progressbarfill - tbe color of a free space progress bar fill.
  45. progressbarframe - the color of a free space progress bar frame.
  46. freespaceemptydark - the color of the dark fill of the drive free space progress bar when a drive is empty.
  47. freespaceemptylight - the color of the light fill of a drive free space progress bar when a drive is empty.
  48. freespacemiddledark- the color of the dark fill of a drive free space progress bar when a drive is half-full.
  49. freespacemiddlelight - the color of the light fill of a drive free space progress bar when a drive is half-full.
  50. freespacefulldark - the dark fill color of a drive free space progress bar when a drive is full.
  51. freespacefulllight - the light fill color of a drive free space progress bar when a drive is full.
  52. infofill - the filling color of the stopping menu information panel.
  53. infoframe - the color of the the stopping menu information panel frame.
  54. showndeviceseparator - the color of the separating line between device items in the visible device list of the stopping menu.
  55. hiddendeviceseparator - the color of the separating line between device items in the hidden device list of the stopping menu.
  56. ballooncaptiontext - the color of the caption in the notification window.
  57. underlinedlink- the color of the underlined reference link in the normal state.
  58. underlinedlinkincontrol - the color of the underlined reference link in hovered state (when it's mouse hovered)
Boolean parameter value list:
Each parameter should be "0"(false) or "1"(true)
  1. enablewindowframe - defines whether a window needs to have an around frame.
  2. enableitemchamferframe - defines whether items and sub-items of the stopping menu need to have a frame with chamfer corners.
  3. simplewindowframe - defines whether the menu frame will be simple (as in Windows 8) or rounded (as in Windows 7 aero)

Use other color parameters instead of color values

The program supports assigning to the color paramer the name of another parameter. E.g.
background=#262829 ... scrollbarfill=background
will set "scrollbarfill" color parameter value to the value of "background" parameter, ie #262829

Skin inheritance

You can inherite your own skin from a predefined one by specifying InheritImagesFrom the following parameter in the colorscheme.ini of your skin. Using this technique you can set only some color parameters or define specific icons in your skin that override parent skin's color parameters or icon, leaving all other color parameters and icons of the parent intact. For example:
InheritImagesFrom=Win10 Dark MenuHeaderText=background
will inherite your skin from the standard Win10 Dark and make program's name in the header to draw in the color of background. Which hides the program name title. Allows you to inherite your skin from Win10 Dark.

Skin images

The skin also consists of the images of buttons and state icons. You can find the full list of such icons in such skins as: Win8ModernUI, Win10 Dark etc. Below are examples of such images:
Close button in passive state (when mouse is not hovering over it)
Close button in active state (when mouse is hovering over it)
Options button in passive state
Options button in active state
Registration button in passive state
Registration button in active state
"Stop All" button in passive state
"Stop All" button in active state
Button for interrupting "Stop All" operation in passive state
Button for interrupting "Stop All" operation in active state
"Scan for hardware changes" button in passive state
"Scan for hardware changes" button in active state
Drive letter image
Hot key image

How to set color: The "colorscheme.ini" file mainly consists from the lines like the following: "subitemtext=#E6E969". The right part of the line is a color value assembled from R-G-B components in the hex format. Thus #E6E969 defines RGB color value with the following values of its parts: Red=E6(230), Green=E9(233), Blue=69(105). You can get this color from any paint editor, e.g. see color picker of Paint.NET:
Note, the same format of the color is used in html markup and css styles.

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