Report a bug
If the program behaves incorrectly on your computer or reports about errors
or simply does not do the required things, we would appreciate it if you
report this problem to us.The easiest way to report a bug is to send us a bug-report from the program (Right click to the systray icon -> Help -> Report a bug...). In the displayed window enter the problem description (as much detail as possible), your e-mail (optional) and nick-name at our forum (if you are registered there). The program will auto collect all required information about your system and send it with your report to our server.
You must have an internet connection to send this way. Also, if you are sitting
behind a proxy server you have to specify proxy settings at the program
options ("Notifications" tab)
If you do not have an internet connection on a computer with Zentimo, you can write us an e-mail to Please don't forget to attach the program log-file zentimo.log.txt to the e-mail. The most simplest way to get it: run Zentimo, go to "About program" dialog, click to "Open the Log file directory".
Suggest an idea
We are open to any new ideas regarding program development as well as your
notes on the program. If you have an idea, wish or note, don't hesitate
to write us to