Help > How to automate the installation of Zentimo?

If you need to install Zentimo on to many computers of your company we recommend you using auto-installation mode of the installer.
Reference for installer command line parameters
The program installation file (zentimosetup.exe) supports the following command line parameters:
Makes setup process to be silent or very silent. When setup is silent the wizard and the background window are not displayed but the installation progress window is displayed. When a setup is very silent the installation progress window is not displayed.
Instructs installator to load the installation settings from the specified file after having checked the command line. This file can be prepared using the '/SAVEINF=' command as explained below.
Don't forget to use quotes if the filename contains spaces.
Instructs installator to save installation settings to the specified file.
Don't forget to use quotes if the filename contains spaces.
Step-by-step instruction on creating of auto-installation scripts
  1. Make the installer configuration - install Zentimo to your own computer calling installer with this command line:
    zentimosetup.exe /SAVEINF="zentimo_setup_cfg.ini"
    Calling the installer this way will save all installation options that you changed during the installation to "zentimo_setup_cfg.ini" file.
  2. Make the program options and the license key preset - run program, change settings to preferable and save them to a file (read more).
  3. Make the installation package - place the setup file (zentimosetup.exe), setup config file (zentimo_setup_cfg.ini) and program options file (e.g. usbsr_settings.opt) to a separated folder. Then create here a batch file that will run an installation:
    :: #############################################
    :: Zentimo auto installer
    :: #############################################

    zentimosetup.exe /SILENT /LOADINF="usr_setup_cfg.ini"
    %ProgramFiles%\Zentimo\Zentimo.exe /loadsettings usbsr_settings.opt

    :: Note!
    :: Replace path to the program (%ProgramFiles%\Zentimo\Zentimo.exe) with
    :: the actual path if you changed it
  4. That's all. Now you can write these files to a CD or USB Stick, or deploy them to a remote computer to install the program without user's participation. In order to install the program you need to execute only usr_auto_install.cmd batch-file!
Additional information
  1. Find out more about commercial and enterprise licenses
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